Delicious yogurt, contains high levels of protein, calcium and vitamins, and recognized by the medical community as a healthy food for adults and children. Delicious yogurt contains live microorganisms, and beneficial to the body.
Some individual studies have shown a certain strains of macrobiotics in yogurt, which can help reduce inflammation. It contains nutrients, health benefits, and artificial ingredients, in addition to its benefits in enhancing immune function, and protects the digestive system, and to prevent the emergence of allergies and can help relieve inflammatory bowel disease.
The benefits of delicious yogurt
delicious yogurt helps to keep the crucial relationship between pathogenic bacteria and maintaining a healthy immune system and helps to prevent food poisoning and diarrhea, as well as non-combat causes of known diseases.
The use of probiotic can help in alleviating the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and gas. Three cups of dairy products is recommends every day, including milk, yogurt and cheese.
Yogurt can also reduce the effects of allergies in young children, when taken by pregnant women or newborns, which encourages the development of maturation of the immune system and reduce the incidence of a reaction of the immune system to allergens later in life.
Choose low-fat yogurt, when possible, as is a healthy and delicious food, which contains not only the macrobiotics, but also rich in protein and calcium.
health benefits of eating yogurt for your children
1. Prevention of coronary heart disease.
2. Maintain intestinal health.
3. Anti-stomach cancer.
4. Neutralize the antibiotic.
5. Overcome and prevent diarrhea and typhoid fever and vomiting.
Studies and Research
studies have shown that delicious yogurt is useful for kids and has many health benefits. It is a great solution for children who do not like to drink milk or eat eggs, by eating delicious yogurt, which means that you can build on a diet that is rich in protein without eating a lot of meat.
You need to know that the protein is great for energy conservation throughout the day.
Eating yogurt’s very good for children to protect their bones. as the milk is very rich in calcium.
Delicious yogurt helps to keep the weight. according to the study of the University of Washington, which found that milk consumption leads to more fullness, and eating delicious yogurt is a healthy diet for children, which helps them to eat less, weigh less, and then feel better.
Delicious yogurt contains organisms that play an important role in regulating the digestive system to your children and to prevent diarrhea and constipation problems.